Easy Step to an excellent Job Interview

In a job interview, an employer learns about you, and you learn about the job and the workplace. 

Before Interview 
  • Practice your answers to common interview questions. Sharpen your interview skills in a mock job interview at a company. 
  • Look at the company’s website to learn they do and upcoming events to talk about at the interview. 
  • Plan how to get the location with plenty of time to spare. 
  • Prepare a list of questions to ask at the end or the interview, examples: What are the daily responsibilities of the job? most important qualities in an employee? 
The Day of the Interview

the way you present yourself is important. Dress in clothes that are neat, clean and appropriate to the workplace. 
Pay attention to grooming and personal hygiene. Once you are on the job, you can dress as other do in the workplace, but for the interview, avoid wearing theses: 
  • Tight fitting and revealing clothes.
  • Extreme hairstyles 
  • Excessive make-up or perfume.
  • Face and body jewelry 
During Interview 
  • Show confidence with eye contact and friendly smile.
  • Let the interview star and listen carefully. 
  • Accept questions openly, even the hard ones. Give honest, direct answers.
  • If you phone was accidentally left on, do not answer it or check it any time while you are with the employer. Just calmly take it out, turn it off, and apologize. 
  • If you don’t understand a question, ask for it to be repeated or clarified.
After Interview
Sen a thank you note by email and restate your interest in the job. Send it to the person who interviewed you.
